NEXTiBOT is an AI ROBOT Supported by the NEXT Protocol


In modern times like today, there are many things that people can do to make their jobs easier and easier; For example, using robots for jobs that can be done better and faster, such as producing goods or other repetitive tasks.

Robots don't just work in manufacturing, they can also help out in restaurants, hotels, tourist attractions, and many other things robots can do to help with human work. For this reason, many companies are now starting to use robots to help their companies.

If we talk about robots, maybe you will be interested in this platform, this is a platform that provides a protocol that helps developers build and publish their robots, this is the NEXT Protocol - build, build and collaborate on the next generation of robots. Applications related to real-life problem solving situations such as Covid scenarios, Robot Games and Robot NFTs.

Robot Senior Management

The NEXT protocol is a protocol that allows developers to build robots and define them. With the solutions offered by the NEXT Protocol, it allows developers to easily publish robotic services on the market and profit from them with tokens. Each robot's earnings will be distributed to token holders, who can be shares and earn returns from it.

The solutions developed by NEXT Protocol are very innovative, where each development can not only build their own robot, but also customize the token for their robot which will benefit the developer through the robot services they offer.

The NEXT protocol has observed the market and predicts that the role of robots is currently indispensable for various things, for example in times of pandemics like today, robots play an important role in handling Covid-19 by providing health. service without physical contact. Thus, the future of NEXT Protocol is very potential and the market is very broad.

Robot Technology

NEXTiBOT is an artificial intelligence-based robot that is fully supported by the NEXT Protocol. NEXTiBOT is designed for contactless management systems, intelligent receptionists, social distancing monitors and more. NEXTiBOT aims to create a world where robots can be integrated into everyday human life and can streamline and accelerate human work. With the help of the NEXT Protocol, we will not only build robots, but also build an economy that will support developers in procuring and developing robots. NEXTiBOT features are listed below;

Self-Knowledge: Robots learn everything from the ground up, and thanks to robotics, they can accurately understand and complete tasks.

Sensor Activated: The robot will be equipped with sensors.

Voice / Touch Based: Voice or touch options for interaction with robots.

Camera Activated: This can increase the robot's flexibility with the camera.

Automatic Navigation: This is a navigation feature that allows the robot to navigate independently.

NLP based: Robots can interpret voice commands and act quickly and accurately according to commands.

Using Next Token

NEXT is a token provided by the NEXT Protocol. NEXT is based on the ERC-20 token, allowing users to store them in digital wallets that support ERC-20 based tokens or trade on exchanges.

NEXT token holders can stake their tokens and get a return on their bets. Token holders also receive 50% of the robot rental proceeds provided to the NEXT token-holding ecosystem by robot providers. Not only that, as a NEXT token holder, you have the opportunity to vote on Robot work and distribution decisions.


In the future, the role of robots is needed to help and accelerate human jobs such as health care, intelligent receptionists, contactless management, and others. That's why experts say the robotics industry has great potential in the future. The NEXT protocol seeks to accelerate the integration of robots into everyday life by providing a protocol that helps developers build, build and collaborate with next-generation robots, as well as enabling them to create their robot tokens. snow form. It is a platform that combines robots with very beneficial DeFi features.

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Author: Amild




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