Most of the world of cryptocurrency technology such as Bitcoin relies on database forms with the advantage of being able to track large and secure transaction volumes. The technology used by many digital currencies is Blockchain.
Blockchain was first implemented in 2009, and was revolutionized with Blockchain 2.0 in 2014. Blockchain technology consists of blocks that hold transactions, where each block is interconnected via cryptography, thus forming a network.
Along with the development of the digital universe, cryptocurreny in the future has become an increasingly attractive proposition in the market and may not have traditional banking infrastructure. Some developing countries in the world have even implemented national Blockchain-based national currencies, such as Bitcoin, and the technology is also used by several large charity projects to help those without bank accounts.
Blockchain also has the potential to be used outside the scope of digital currency, and attracts the interest of many traditional financial institutions for adoption.
Blockchain is a system of recording transactions in many databases that are widespread on many computers, each of which contains identical records. This system is also known as distributed ledger. With this decentralized transaction record, it is almost impossible to hack or change unilaterally, without changing the majority of all databases.
Note these transactions are contained in blocks that are interconnected. If one block is full, the next block will be connected to the previous block. Transaction records that are contained in blocks that have been created, cannot be changed anymore - so the blockchain is often referred to as having immutable properties.
Cartesi, a new blockchain project is being developed that can solve several major problems in the blockchain industry. This 2-layer solution is likely to attract a lot of attention as we head towards 2020. Scalability has always been the number one most controversial topic in the blockchain space and Cartesi has a very interesting solution. By connecting Linux to the blockchain, the platform will use the power of real-world computing that operates externally from the blockchain. This will free the main chain to operate at 100% efficiency. This is a much better solution for scalability than many others such as proof-of-stake, sharding, Ethereum's Plasma or the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Off-chain calculations are performed at Cartesi nodes that operate on Linux. This will allow the much more complex DApps to operate without scaling problems.
Cartesi covers the security and economics of the blockchain, while enabling real-world (and intensive computing tasks! Think of lots of data). With Cartesi, there is no need to rely on central authority, trusted third parties, or on the reputation system, which is often vulnerable to Sybil attacks. Using Cartesi, DApp developers will be able to:
  1. Write a program that can ensure the status of its implementation is verified and reproduced on various network nodes;
  2. Rely on off-chain processing performance (which can even include GPUs!)
  3. Use any data source of any size needed;
  4. Get consensus on the status of execution of programs that run outside the chain;
  5. Resolve disputes with negligible costs on the blockchain.
The second solution offered by Cartesi is the Linux operating system in the real world. Blockchain space has created a barrier for many developers because most require special blockchain programs. By using Linux as a bridge to the blockchain, this will open a gateway for all real-world developers. This is what really excites me! Imagine the potential of having a truly scalable blockchain that developers can build without prior knowledge of the blockchain.
How does the current blockchain solve the problem of reproducibility? They do this by removing all unpredictable variables. They use custom Instances (VMs) (for example Ethereum Instances (EVM) or Bitcoin scripts) for contract implementation. These virtual machines define all prerequisites and provide a reproducible environment. They are predictable boxes for executing smart contracts. But there is a big exchange.
Developers are accustomed to developing with various tools - file systems, libraries, and other software. For example, decompressing files is just a matter of calling the appropriate library. These tools all run on the operating system, which functions as a tool-bag. If the VM wants to provide these features, they must run the OS. However, modern operating systems are developed to run on hardware and they depend on hardware to enable important operations. For example, an important element for the OS is virtual memory, something that is supported by hardware. But due to hardware reproducibility issues, blockchains replace hardware with custom VMs. The problem is that this VM was not developed to support the OS. They function as a substitute for bad hardware;
What does all this mean? This means that the blockchain developers are paralyzed. They cannot use the tools they usually use. Instead, they are stuck with what is supported directly by this VM. This means that the last 30 years software standards and tools are basically off limits to dev blockchain - tools that they take for granted in standard development work. This is like asking developers to work with their hands tied behind their backs. All unexpected variables deleted by the VM? Well getting rid of it means getting rid of what's really important for the developer. They throw the baby in bath water. And people are wondering why we haven't seen a killer application.
Cartesi Solution v. Layer 1
The Layer 1 solution works by directly affecting the core blockchain protocol. Here are some of the most common Layer 1 proposals:
Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) or BFT varieties: Allows a small number of supernodes to verify all transactions. These nodes are chosen democratically. DPoS sacrifices decentralization for efficiency.
Sharding: Sharding arranges vertices into different "fractions". Each fraction can process transactions as blockchain normally does. These independent fractions can be connected through the main chain for cross-fraction settlement. Sharding sacrifices security for efficiency because each independent shard is far easier to compromise than the entire main chain.
Increasing block size: Increasing block size greatly contributes to scalability by reducing transaction costs and time. The problem is that it also rapidly increases the size of the global blockchain. Ultimately this can centralize the node as far as fewer people have the hardware needed to support a larger and more demanding computing blockchain.
The current Layer 1 solution certainly results in sacrifice - decentralization or security for scalability and efficiency. This is also the fact that when transactions and account numbers increase on the blockchain they cause bottlenecks in the main chain; no matter how many Layer-1 modifications are made, bottlenecks will eventually occur. Like other Layer-2 solutions, Cartesi is far more effective because it only requires local consensus.
Cartesi Solution v. Layer 2
The Layer-2 solution is often spoken as the answer to the blockchain scalability problem. Proposals such as plasma and state channels (Lightning Network are Bitcoin state channel solutions) are expected to reduce on-chain pressure by moving "off-chain" transactions and then only moving these groups of transactions on-chain for completion.
The problem with these Layer-2 solutions is that they need disputes to be resolved on-chain. While some work is similar to Cartesi and only requires dispute resolution or verification in rare circumstances, most layer 2 solutions require a main chain to carry out complex calculations as part of the resolution process. Or this solution requires that the calculation be repeated by the validator as part of the verification process - a very inefficient requirement. This limits the maximum transaction volume or computational complexity that can occur outside the chain, because the main chain cannot solve it efficiently. Basically, while these layer-2 solutions promise a solution to major chain bottlenecks, they do not resolve bottlenecks and they are also not free from the associated consequences.
The best aspect of Cartesi is that this Layer-2 solution has the potential to use the Cartesi Machine. They can take advantage of Cartesi's full computing power while not flooding the main chains with disputes.


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